Things with E are never easy, but the joy on his face makes them worthwhile. E loves the HP parade. He likes riding in it and throwing beads to parade watchers. This year he sat in the back of the truck for the first time in a chair. I still can not believe he did it!! The parade route and wait time was over 3 hours! Amazing!!! I was done being outside after that, but E still wanted to play outside with water. We got home, ate lunch and went outside for another 2 hours!!! Came in showered and napped and went back outside for the LCC fireworks. By this time E had used up all of his "good" behavior. I was left with an over tired, hyper active, water and sand focused child. He did watch fireworks amount his protesting for bubbles and candy... Whew.
I am exhausted, but happy E had a good day. I am also glad the 4th of July only comes once a year.