I have learned in the long month since E summer vacation began it's almost certain plans will change. Even the best laid most careful plans will change. To anyone else, that makes perfect sense, but to E it's a hard thing to handle. Change makes him nervous. It must be painful too because he seems to scream in pain when they occur. Due to a rash popping up all over E, I chose to keep him home from summer school the last 2 days. Today and tomorrow. It's the right thing to do, but it is not an easy thing. I moved his swim lesson to earlier to break up the long day. Our scheduled therapy had to be cancelled for other reasons. We have played outside, gone to swim lessons, played inside and now we are back outside playing. So far the talley on meltdowns is 4. (2 at swimming and 2 at home...) It's only 12:50. Seems like it should be close to 5:00 pm by now...
Well now it is 5 and there is much to tell. We were outside from 12:30-3:30 and E was still not ready to come in. I told him Daddy was coming home early and we could ride in the jeep to get yogurt. He just needed to come in and eat dinner first. E ran all over the back yard away from me. Once inside he continued to run away and added in throwing things. This behavior used to anger me but now I understand it's because he cannot talk. I feel like he really thinks if he can express his wants they will happen. I try to affirm I understand what he wants and that it is now time to come in for dinner. This does not go well at all. E ends up in time out in his room. We are still potty training so he is not dressed as we were on our way to potty. After a few minutes I go in to talk to him. He immediately acts like he is going to potty right there. I tell him to go to his potty. He looks at me and pees on the floor. You know my day is going bad already so I decide to ignore this and proceed with evening routine. Bath and then maybe dinner. He did not eat much when we came in out of protest. He lost the ride in the jeep to get yogurt as a consequence of his behavior. He tries to barter for a ride in the stroller and I tell him, yes, in the morning. He looks at me and goes on. Thank goodness for that speaker for PCLDA a few years ago on positive behavior. Bedtime is here and not a moment too soon for this tired mommy. Luckily I have more things planned to do tomorrow. Maybe there will be less time to meltdown.
I hope...
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